Building & Grounds Ministry
Mission: The mission is to provide a safe, well maintained and clean church and grounds for use by the congregation, visitors, and approved outside groups. Goals: To maintain, repair, and/or improve the building, property, and equipment of First United Presbyterian Church. Christian Education Ministry
Mission: The Christian Education Ministry provides resources, support and a nurturing spirit in helping our congregation become disciples who make disciples. Goals: To promote the study of the Bible, provide educational opportunities, and encourage continuous growth in our individual and collective faith journeys. Connecting Ministry
Mission: Connecting Christ’s Love with the World and One Another. Goals: To embrace and uphold the mission of First United Presbyterian Church. Endeavoring to touch all members of our church, the greater church and the community through service, action, leadership and love. Finance Ministry
Mission: To conduct the financial “business” (making disciples) of First United Presbyterian Church in a Christian and professional manner through the use of money God has entrusted in our church. Goals: Managing all First United funds in a Christian and transparent manner that aligns with the policies, mission and goals of First United. Create and manage an annual balanced operational budget. Leadership Ministry
Mission: Providing opportunities for leadership development of our Pastor, Staff, Ruling Elders and Ministry members by ensuring a caring and nurturing environment. Goals: Encourage and monitor the development by Session of a Vision Statement, Mission Statement, and Goals for First United Presbyterian Church. To update the Office, Treasurer, and Audio/Visual Manuals. Stewardship Ministry
Mission: Develop an annual pledge campaign and helping God’s people grow in their relationship with Jesus through the use of time, talents, and money God has entrusted in them. Goal: Conduct an annual pledge campaign that tells, asks and thanks the congregation and Ministries for the wonderful work that is being done and how important each person’s support is to spiritual growth and ministries of FUPC. Worship & Music Ministry
Mission: In the name of Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit, the Christian community worships and serves God in shared experiences of life, in personal discipleship, in mutual community, and in common ministry in the world. Goals: To enhance the worship experience through the fine arts; to explore a variety of worship styles and traditions to encourage participation of children and youth in worship; To work in collaboration with the Co-Pastors and other ministries to offer one or more unique worship experiences, be it through theme, location or speaker. The Board of Deacons
Ministering to those who are in need, to the sick, to the friendless, and to those who may be in distress both within and beyond our church family. |
Endowment Committee
Mission: To provide an opportunity for individuals to share their resources through gifts, devises, or bequests that create a lasting, perpetual legacy of their Faith. To administer, report, and make recommendations to Session on the investment of these funds. Goal: Encouraging gifts to the Endowment Fund. Preserving and enhancing the current and long term purchasing power of the Fund’s contributed principal. Providing an average yearly total return (income and capital gain) of at least 5.5% after expenses over a rolling 6 year period that may be used to benefit the mission and purpose of First United Presbyterian Church. Financial Audit & Review Committee
Mission: To perform an annual review of First United Presbyterian Church’s and approved organizations’ financial books and records as required by the Book of Order and basic accounting principles. Goals: To conduct a full financial review of all financial books and records used at First United Presbyterian Church. To confirm that accounting procedures are in place and being used. Garden Committee
Mission: To plan activities for season and recruit volunteers to prepare, plant, cultivate and harvest vegetables and flowers in the Judy M. Allan Memorial Garden. Goal: To share harvest with those in need. Create an environment for reflection and beauty. Create Educational and Fellowship opportunities while preparing and taking care of the garden. Leadership Advisory Committee
Mission Statement: To access the effectiveness of Session, Deacons, Ministries, and Committees and identify and make recommendations to L&S to improve the effectiveness of FUPC’s organizations. Goals: To make recommendations to improve the effectiveness of Session, Deacons, Ministries, and Committees. Liturgical Arts Committee
Mission: To provide artistic expression of the scriptures/message of Sunday worship so as to enhance the understanding and appreciation of these verses. Goal: To enhance the worship space through the use of artistic materials (fabric, paintings, flowers, décor, etc.) and to “dress” the church for holidays, holy days and special occasions. Memorial & Living Gifts Committee Mission: To assist in selecting appropriate memorials and/or living gifts to remember and honor persons in tangible and lasting forms.
Goals: To help families recognize, celebrate, and/or honor individuals by recommending living gifts and memorials that are appropriate and identified as needed by Session. Nominating Committee
Mission: To conduct a search and nominate individuals who demonstrate leadership and qualifications to serve on Session, Board of Deacons, and the next nominating committee. Goal: The goal of the Nominating Committee is to recommend to Session qualified individuals for election as ruling elders and deacons that express the rich diversity of the congregation’s membership and shall guarantee participation and inclusiveness. Safe Church Committee
Mission: Ensuring members of all ages, volunteers and staff; a safe and welcoming environment in which to worship, participate and serve in. Goal: To communicate policy simply and concisely to the membership and staff, and ensure compliance to existing safety, sexual misconduct, and child protection policies. Technology Advisory Committee Mission: To advise and make recommendations to B&G Ministry on the use of technology, information systems and devices available to FUPC.
Goal: To make recommendations to B&G that enable First United to improve its communication and information systems that maximizes resources available. |
First United Presbyterian Church
605 N. Webster Avenue De Pere, Wisconsin 54115 |
[email protected] |